Friday, December 10, 2010

English Central - Pronunciation Tutor

Hi guys,

Here is the link to the pronunciation training website I was showing you a few days ago:

There are plenty of videos, at several levels of difficulty, that you can watch and read along, with subtitles and a voice recording option. The tutor then highlights the faulty bits in your pronunciation and let´s you compare it to the native model (full words, or even sound by sound, if you click on any particular word).

Also, there are other working modes like quizzes and so on, that you should explore. In all, This is a very useful kind of work that unfortunately we cannot really do at class.

My suggestion is that you spend some 20-30 minutes a week with this. And, of course, to keep on listening to at least 2 hours of other materials like movies, news, podcasts...

Happy talking!

TEDTalks (video)